Tuesday, November 20, 2007

1.1st.1.843 A.T.E: New Years Day

It is a new year. I had not really intended to spend this day in the middle of nowhere, but alas, it appears the gods had other plans for me. How typical. It has been quite some time since I have visited my family, or Silaqui. To visit them would bring the wrath of the empire down upon them, and I do not wish for that to happen. I hope they are doing well and enjoying this day more than myself. I must remember to write them when I get to the next town, hopefully they will have a courier.

I doubt my traveling companions even realize today’s significance. Speaking of them, a few days ago, Asmodean became very strange and started attempting to, as far as I could tell, grope Tom. I decided it was better that I not get involved, since it didn’t seem that Asmodean was actually hurting Tom, and I don’t particularly trust Tom anyway.

I wish I understood why the gods forced upon me such a strange group of allies.

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