Friday, November 30, 2007

4.2nd.1.843 A.T.E: Festival in Cogstown

Tonight was the night that Asmodean and Tom chose to break into the keep that Janice was being held in. Tonight is the Cogstown six month anniversary of freedom, held in the town square. We found that Janice was being held at the top floor of the ten story keep.

I conversed with many of the townsfolk, making many acquaintances. It was nice to experience a social gathering such as this once again. It reminded me of many of the parties that my family had joined or hosted. I saw Max flirting with a woman, and they eventually disappeared. The woman he chose didn’t seem to be the cleanest of choices; though I am sure alcohol did something to make that less obvious to him.

The party was brought to an abrupt halt as some guards rushed in from the keep, saying there had been a break in. From what I heard later, Asmodean and Tom broke into the keeps 10th floor and fought many guards. Unfortunately, these guards were not called ‘elite guards’ for nothing, and they overpowered and outnumbered the two. Asmodean and Tom had to escape out of another 10th floor window, Asmodean keeping them held back for as long as possible with beds. In effect, the raid was a complete failure.

Not only are the guards more likely to be on guard for another attack, the festival was the only chance to avoid the lesser guards as well. We have no choice but to try again in a few days. We were fortunate though, Vargas finally made his way to our location from Ragnarok this night.

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